“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”



2019 Nexus Fellowship Application is Now Live

Dear Friends of The Equity Lab,

The Equity Lab is excited to announce the 2019 Nexus Fellowship application is now live.  Click here to apply.

The Nexus Fellowship was developed to meet the demand for high-quality race, equity, diversity, and inclusion (REDI) training in public education, specifically the K-12 market.

During the 2019 pilot year, the program will engage leaders in an exploration into personal identity and include a distinct focus on designing for equity. Specifically, Fellows will narrow in on design challenges encountered in an organization’s internal processes, programs, and people.

The fellowship spans one year composed of quarterly week-long residencies. Support in the form of dedicated coaching, a virtual learning community, modules, and resources is included. Each week-long residency will provide expert training focused on four key areas: self, technical leadership, adaptive leadership, and the equityXdesign process.

See the attached overview for more details. We ask that any interested organizations apply. Internally, the Executive Director/ CEO should select two staff members to apply who will serve as the Fellows across the program year.

Applications are due September 20 at 11:59pm.



The Equity Lab

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