“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”



Community Equity Partners’ Origin Story

As the founder of Community Equity Partners (CEP), I spent many years working in mission-driven-white-dominated institutions. Equity, inclusion, and diversity were trending words at these institutions, but unfortunately never a tangible reality. In the spirit of colonialism, decisions were made for communities of color without communities of color. Exhausted from survival in these institutions. Exhausted with being the token person of color and the spokesperson for my community. I decided to build a movement of liberated leaders and equitable organizations.

Here at CEP, we believe leadership and organizational transformation will look different if it’s centered in love, freedom, and possibility. CEP’s model of coaching, consulting, and leadership development enables our clients to feel empowered and capable of truly transforming their organizations, claiming their power as leaders, and achieving their dreams.

You can see it. Now, let’s create this world TOGETHER. Shoot me an email at erin@4equityleaders.com for more information on how to work with CEP to realize your vision and dreams.

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